Master of Material

Is high-tech ceramic scratch resistant?

First, let’s clarify what we mean when we say scratch-resistant. At Rado, scratch-resistant means “capable of withstanding scratching that occurs with normal everyday use”. In this context, Rado high-tech ceramic has a very high level of scratch-resistance. However, there is a risk of scratching if it comes into contact with materials that are as hard as or harder than high-tech ceramic. Such particles are found in objects or materials such as nail files, granite or sand. We recommend that you take care of your watch and try to avoid wearing it in situations where it may come into contact with other extremely hard materials.

How hard are Rado watches?

It depends on the material the watch is made from. At Rado, we measure hardness using the Vickers scale. The higher the number, the harder the materials. Natural diamond is the hardest substance with a value of 10,000 Vickers. High-tech ceramic has a rating of approximately 1,250 Vickers, Ceramos is around 1,750 Vickers and ultra-light high-tech ceramic is about the same. Our watches are hard but not indestructible. As a precision instrument, we suggest that you take the same care of your Rado watch as you would with any other high value item. If you drop your Rado watch, it may break.

Does Rado use scratch-resistant glass?

At Rado, we use sapphire crystal as standard on all our watches. It has a hardness rating of 2,500 Vickers and is considerably more scratch-resistant than mineral or acrylic glass. While it is very hard, it is not indestructible. Like high-tech ceramic, it can be scratched by materials that are as hard as or harder than sapphire. For this reason you should avoid contact with objects or materials such as nail files, granite or sand - all of which contain particles of these extremely hard materials.